Friday, October 21, 2005

Faces in Places

Announcing a new interactive piece o' live art
created in cohoots with:

12 E. Washington St., Champaign IL

for their upcoming show
Opening 7pm Nov 10 & up thru Dec 9 (Gallery hrs Fri 4-7 pm):

Mind in Matter: Constructions of the Built Enviornment
Faces in Places: a Hi-Tech Trek About Town, and My Life: in Pixtures, TxtMssgs, Draw'erins, and Prints
by Christopher Kasak

On the show's opening date (Thurs the 10th of November 2005), I'll depart equipt early (from the church stoops West of Douglass Park @3:15 PM) along a peripatetic walking route, stopping off at each of a number preordained sites of personal significance about town. Once there, I'll take a digipic on my camera phone, and I'll leave/temporarily install a cardboard handout dispenser full of 1 front/back pg. limited edition prints of drawings I've made of that site, also featuring the site's accompanying written passage, and a handdrawn map connecting, them there, to the rest of the special spots on my tour. At each of those locales, thru my wireless-phone I'll then send out limited edition batch Pix/Txt Mssgs to any one and all included on my mailing list, which will include an assistant setup within feet of Open Source. This aid will print out a hardcopy of each planned transmission, as they arrive throughout the night, and immediately install them alongside the original sketches at the Open Source Gallery; creating a completed semi-auto-biographical novella, a narrative arc and adumbration of our surrounding community--- the final stop on my trip. Attendees at the show, and happenstance passersby alike, will easily be enabled to become their own tour guides, tourists, neighborhood watchdog groups, &/or art collectors at any point, departing from OS*Art to any &/or all of the sites along my route, with aid of the printed handout/maps available at the opening.

Those wishing to participate in the event, and recieve their own copy of the photographic txt mssg pixturebook series should notify me beforehand if they want the complete set. Or they can be added to my mailing list LIVE, the night of, while in progress to aquire remaining trassmissions as they're sent. The messages will be not insubstantial in size (upto, but no more than, 1 picture and 1,000 words per site), so please make sure to clear some room in your phone or email account's memory to accomadate @ least 9-10 pix txt mssgs (depending on how many collaborators join the network and send musshots spotted on their own to me to send out), or you might miss out on getting the originally dated transmissions composing faces in places about town, & a story of my life in pix/txt mssgs.

Thanks kindly for your interest and/or partycipation in this one of a kind, one time only, lifealtering, barcrawl slash autobiography.
Those wishing to be added to my rolodex should notify me, asap please @either:

(217) 369-5733 or (217) 714-7955 (new phone# I'll be using to take pix the night of) or

Please 'member to dress warm with comfy kicks, bring along your favorite playdates, pixture/cellphones if you got 'em (that way you too can pass along any 'Faces in Places' you pass along the way directly to me to forward to everybody, you pass along the way, along with your take on them) and I'll see you out and about C-U!!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Mother Hen

Celebrating 60 years of the IMF, I created this take-home-a-postcard image for inclusion in OpenSource*Art's May 2005 Skinless Capital: Neoliberalism and Resistance. Entitled: Gee thanks Mother(hen).